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Sheila J's Pen

     Your Legacy is your Life Map and I want to leave an unforgettable Legacy. But I’m not done yet! I am still building and laying as many bricks as I can in hopes of leaving millions of bricks that can touch lives in close proximity and around the world. The purpose of my Legacy is to design a floor plan of salvation as did Noah; for my family, my seed and most importantly for my grandchildren.


     My true love is God and my family which has taught me how to love others along the way. I am teaching my children and extended family, by role modeling prayer and fasting, purposeful charity, forgiveness and resilient commitment which are my keys to stability! As I journey back over my life, my voyage begins as any expedition does, trying to find where to start, how you will get there and will it be what you imagined when you think you have found your way. Being the oldest of two my voyage started by being given away, sepa- rated from my sister and raised by godly grandparents. Thus the journey thrust me into downward spirally tunnel of emotions. And that tunnel spun me until my identity vanished into thin air and the ghost of rejection began to then appear as my reflection in the mirror. But through my grandmother’s love and guidance it began to clean the mirror off causing me to rediscover my self-confidence. She taught me the art of refuting the pain of the past thru embracing God’s love and bright future HE had planned for me.


     The making of a spiritual legacy for me started at the tender age of 4, raised in Church of God. My first prophetic encounter was at the age of 12. From age 18-28 it was a roller coast ride for me, including the traumatic loss of my husband and high school sweetheart, which caused me to chase God and I became born again 1986. As a widow with 3 children Temeka, Kelley and Jesse I leaped into ministry preaching my first trial sermon at 28. I sub- mitted myself to training, surrounded myself with wise women of God. I learned the value of being around praying mothers at a young age. I would call them “prayer horses”, always stampeding around on the devil. They would grease me with olive oil with screams of tongue talking in my ear. They would be in the living room for hours but I began to force myself to get quite and listen. This was the beginning of learning what intercessory was.


     I was taught not to be a people pleaser or a copycat; but learning how to withdraw yourself for times and seasons of prayer but balancing to be tangible, friendly, reachable and witty to enjoy the good things of life. It is in hope that you find the fundamentals of legacy. I call it the voice of hope, the voice of reason. We must carry a sense of responsibility to others who will come after us.


     The focus is not about dying but more on living. We must not live our lives in a fairy tale but embracing life's journeys which come with highs and lows, greatness and failures, how to, rise after falls and trials of temptation and defeat. Sadness, hurt, rejection, and disappointments are all a part of the journey and was never meant to stay as a permanent resident of your life. One must learn as quickly as possible who are liabilities and who will be- come assets in your life. Legacy has categories: What you’ve done, What you are doing now, and what you should hope to do and accomplish.


     You can't live your life from moment to moment. Neither can you live without taking risks. Sometimes you have to simply jump but never make moves doing a down spin when you are unstable emotionally. Everyone must discover their own rhythm. A rhythm full of passion that causes you to do something greater and bigger for higher heights in God and in the market place which will bring you peace and success. I want to lead a Generation of believers to find and pursue the rhythm of God with under- standing the functions of life seasons (all four seasons) and most importantly the under- standing and working of the Holy Spirit. Steering a generation that embraces their gifts, in- voking a prophetic revolution, becoming a prophetic voices speaking on the behalf of God. Becoming leaders not followers. I want to surround myself and teach a generation who seeks for mentorship willing to learn and understand the seriousness of mentorship placing a high value of pursuing wisdom that comes from maturity. And to also appreciate them for their knowledge, sacrifice of time and efforts of in your life (life deposits).


     One thing I have learn we can be Mentors but we are never responsible for the pain of the mentees who don't follow instructions or advise, tragedy and mistakes follow people who know it all because they don't listen to their Mentors or any sound advice. Mentors are not friends, nor are we babysitters we are instructors who builds and exhort. We help by doing a lot of pointing, (GPS TO GUIDE) to guide you to the roads of success, mentors are like an insurance plan that serves as your protection, however it comes with addition and sub- traction. If you wait you will experience the multiplication with instructions in how to ap- propriate your gifting and how to minister effectively.


     Learning the balance between doubting and knowing is paramount. One of my greatest pas- sion is teaching the gifted who must learn God’s voice,to become Nations shakers winning souls through the gift love and simply old fashion kindness. Remember, where the Spirit of The Lord is, there is liberty and freedom which provokes growth.

One must learn how to build a sacred circle holding fast and super tight to the faith that was once delivered to us. Faith is not a fade, Faith never goes out of style or out of season. Faith must become solid as a rock. You become what you are told, what is dropped in your spirit what you hear, what I have expounded throughout the years steer from building tow- ers of self-images and remember you are a servant of God because all images and icons will be done away with.


     Never be lazy, never procrastinate but learn how to jump ropes and step out of the boat of ordinary, leap, and chase God in return he gives you the victory and authority! And Godly rights to pursue your Dreams. God wants you to be happy he loves a cheerful Servant! You choose to follow and attach yourself to. All of us have a photo of ourselves “a selfie” the photo of yourself can be in a dark room undiscovered this is where the role of a Pastor or Mentors, School teachers, Coaches and one whoever speaks in your life whom you allow. We must pursue the best solution not a temporal fixation, we must pursue wisdom. Wisdom brings together your life which teaches you the task of life. To become suc- cessful we must learn to see ourselves, how God see us!


     Lastly, never forget your ladder. Reason, I saw myself with a ladder on my back. God is teaching me a lesson when every you are down and fainting, keep that ladder on your back because Jesus will blow in your life again and when he does you can pull your ladder off your back, hold on with both hands because there are days when you need assistance some days more than other days. Remember, the ladder is leading you to him.


     Also, something greater, because at the top, is where the encounters are. Stay activated which becomes momentum, a drive and passion! Being raised by older grandparents I can now see the preordained God purpose for my life, through the turns of life of being broken to better and yet still pursuing the mind of God. Ecologists tells us, a young tree grows better when it is planted in an area around older trees because the young roots are able to follow the pathway was created by the older trees over the years. Young roots graft themselves to the older roots creating an intricate but independent foundation that is hidden underground. The strong trees share resources with the weak trees and they are interconnected so they can become a beautiful and healthy forest. I want to leave a healthy forest full of leaves that people can embrace the beauty thereof. My legacy continues, I’m simply not done yet.

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